
Enter Church's Chicken Survey to Get a Discount Offer

Enter Church's Chicken Survey to Get a Discount Offer

Did you enjoy your meals at Church's Chicken Restaurants recently? Do you have any words want to tell Church's Chicken? If yes, just go to the website or, and follow the instructions to complet...
Enter Sephora Survey to Win a $250 Gift Card

Enter Sephora Survey to Win a $250 Gift Card

Are you a regular customer of Sephora? Would you like to receive a free $250 Sephora Gift Card? If yes, just go to the website and complete a short survey about your Sephora experience, then you will be invit...
Talk to Regal and Win a $100 Gift Card

Talk to Regal and Win a $100 Gift Card

Did you have a good time at Regal theater? Did you have any comments about their services? If yes, just go to the website and participate in their customer satisfaction survey online. Upon the completion of the survey, you coul...
Enter JCPenney Survey and Get a 15% OFF Coupon

Enter JCPenney Survey and Get a 15% OFF Coupon

If you found a survey access code on your recent JCPenney receipt, you can now go to the website or to participate the JCPenney Customer Satisfaction Survey. Here you can leave your own comments and f...
Enter "RateURVisit" McDonald's Customer Survey

Enter "RateURVisit" McDonald's Customer Survey

Are you a regular customer of McDonald's? Did you get a receipt that includes a customer survey invitation? If yes,  go to the website and follow the instructions to participate in the survey, then you will get a free stuff coupon...
Talk to Applebee's and Win a $1,000 Cash Prize

Talk to Applebee's and Win a $1,000 Cash Prize

If you want to tell something to Applebee's about your recent visit, just go to the website and follow the instructions below to take part in the Applebee's guest satisfaction survey. By completing the survey, you could rec...
Tell Jamba Juice and Get a Discount Coupon

Tell Jamba Juice and Get a Discount Coupon

Did you visite Jamba Juice restaurant recently? Would you like to visit it next time? If yes, don't forget to use the sale receipt to participate in the Jamba Juice Customer Survey and receive a reward coupon to save your money for your next purch...
Enter T.J.Maxx Survey to Win a Gift Card

Enter T.J.Maxx Survey to Win a Gift Card

Are you a regular customer of T.J.Maxx? You might have seen the survey invitation on your recent T.J.Maxx receipt. Yes, visit the website now and complete a customer satisfaction survey online, you will have a chance to win ...
Enter TGI Fridays Survey and Get a Free Appetizer

Enter TGI Fridays Survey and Get a Free Appetizer

Receive a Customer Feedback Survey Invitation from TGI Fridays? If yes, just visit or and participate in the survey, which will be enable to give a chance to get a Free Appetizer for your next visit. H...
Enter Family Dollar Survey to Win a $500 Gift Card

Enter Family Dollar Survey to Win a $500 Gift Card

If you made a purchase at a Family Dollar store recently, you may have seen a survey invitation on the sale receipt or promotional flyer. Simply visit the website and follow the instructions to take a short survey, so you can leave ...
Enter Whataburger Survey and Get a Discount Offer

Enter Whataburger Survey and Get a Discount Offer

If you have made a purchase at Whataburger, you can now go to ("The Survey Website") to participate in the their customer survey and receive a reward coupon for a free burger with your next purchase of Large Fry and Large ...
Enter Noodles Feedback Survey and Get a Discount Offer

Enter Noodles Feedback Survey and Get a Discount Offer

Now if you go to eat at your local Noodles & Company store, you will receive a receipt that includes a get survey invitation. By visiting the website and completing a short customer survey of Noodles & Company, you coul...